Damm god! That's brutal!

OH MY GOD! That's crazy! Lot's of good points and almost no bad ones. Starting with 93 pace, that is a very good pace for a CAM or a CM. I think it deeserves more shooting for the 19 goals that he scored at La Liga, but is still very good for a CM, for a CAM i think it's very good, but isn't perfect. I think the passing is low for a 97 rated midfield player, especialy for Jude, that did very good passes in the season. 99 dribbling is just insane, nothing more to say. 92 defense i think it's good for Jude, but bad for a CM. 94 physicality is weird for him. He have more physicality than pace, shooting and passing? I think that's a EA mistake.

Then, the playstile+ that he have. I think that technical with 99 dribbling makes him a god of the dribbling. Antecipate is very good, but i think that only if you use him as a CM. Pinged pass is very good for both position.

I really like the non-plus playstiles too.

I think that it weak foot should be 5, not 4, but the skills are right.

I think that the height is very good for a CM:  186cm | 6'1" tall.

The work rates are perfect.

I think that this card is very expensive, but it worth the price.

The only bad points that i found was the 4 star weak foot and the fact that he have 92 defense and doesn't play as a CDM, if he played as a CDM, then he would play in the 3 main positions in the midfield. If he played af CDM and had 5 star weak foot, it would be perfect

Good pace

99 dribbling with technical +

Pinged pass abd antecipate +

Very good non-plus playstiles

5 stars skills

Good height

Perfect work rates

Only having 92 shooting and 92 passing

4 stars weak foot

Don't plays at a CDM

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (8/10)
Passing (6/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (9/10)